Please read CAREFULLY the guidelines below before submitting your text.

Philosophical News is the official publication of the European Society for Moral Philosophy. It invites submission of articles and discussion notes of high quality in any area of philosophy, though it publishes articles predominantly in moral philosophy. There are no style guidelines for the initial review, except that papers should contain an abstract.

The paper must be suitable for blind refereeing. The author’s name and institutional affiliation should not appear in the manuscript. References to the author’s own work must be cast in such a way that they do not reveal the identity of the manuscript’s author. We recommend simply replacing the entire reference, including title and facts of publication, with an expression such as ‘author’s article’, ‘author’s book’, ‘author’s book 2’, etc. Acknowledgements must be removed for the initial review.

By submitting an article to Philosophical News, the author will be deemed to have given his/her assurance that the article has not been submitted to and is not being considered for publication by any other journal or publisher (including electronically distributed journals); and that he/she will not submit it for such consideration elsewhere until he/she has received Philosophical News‘s editorial decision or has withdrawn the article. Authors who submit articles that are under consideration elsewhere or that overlap to a significant extent with papers that are at the time of submission already published are disqualified from further submissions to Philosophical News.

Submitted papers should be written in English. Authors who submit a paper which is not written in his/her native language are requested to have the article checked for style and grammar by a native speaker. Submitted articles which are linguistically unacceptable may be rejected without further refereeing.

Authors are notified of the receipt of their article and the editorial decision concerning it.

Refereeing process

Philosophical News follows a double-blind peer review process.

If the paper submitted suitables the topic of the CFP, it will be transmitted by the Editorial Board to specialists in the way to be refereed. The comments (in English) may be passed to the author. Authors are normally informed of the editorial decision concerning their paper within three month after the receipt of their submission has been acknowledged.

Papers may be accepted with no or minor revisions, rejected, or authors may be invited to resubmit a revised version of their paper, taking into account the comments, if any, they received. The author will have one month to correct the issue. Authors resubmitting their papers should send them to (subject e-mail: “resubmission_N.Issue”), in a format suitable for blind refereeing. They should briefly indicate in their e-mail (not a separate file) how they dealt with the comments they received. Publication is guaranteed only once the author has been asked to hand in the final version of his article.

If a paper is accepted for publication in Philosophical News, the author will be asked to hand in another, final version in which the style guide is to be respected. Philosophical News‘s guidelines ara available below.

For all questions regarding editorial matters please contact Elisa Grimi, Editor-in-Chief of Philosophical News.

About the editing

Manuscripts should fall within the range of 4000-8000 words (spaces included). Each text has to include an abstract written in English, 300 words max.

Please do not underline or use bold font. Use italics (other than for book and journal titles) sparingly.

Please put long quotations in «» [not in “…”]. If you quote short expressions, one or few words, put them in “…”.

Please put notes at the end of each single page.

How to quote books and articles in the notes. Book (example): R. Brague, Europe La Voie romane, Criterion, Paris 1998. Article in a book (example): R. Brague, “Le monde moral”, in N.-L. Cordero (ed.), Ontologie et dialogue. Hommage à P. Aubenque, Vrin, Paris 2000, p. 189-196. Article in a journal (example): R. Brague, “Necessity of the Good”, in «First Things», 250, February, 2015, p. 47-52.


In agreeing to publish a text in Philosophical News, the Journal retains the copyright to the text. The authors give to the right to the publication of that text. The author could re-publish his/her text only after the official authorization of the Philosophical News. The author must wait for the result of the evaluation process, which requires a maximum of three months. Please be sure to proofread your text carefully before submitting it.

Please send your text

Please name the file: “phnews_contribution title”.

Please submit the text as an email attachment in .pdf format. File in other formats are not accepted.

Please include in the same email a separate file written in English in .doc or .odt including: your name, surname, institution, e-mail address and your brief profile (150-200 max words).

E-mail subject: “PHNEWS_CONTRIBUTION”.

CODE OF ETHICS_Philosophical News.